Internet of bolts

Railway Cluster and ERCI

We’re excited to announce that we have joined the Railway Cluster of Sweden, bringing our groundbreaking wireless and automated preloading monitoring system to the forefront in the sector. We have also been nominated for the ERCI Innovation Awards, recognizing our relevance and potential in the railway sector.
Järvängsklustret ERCI

Pushing the boundaries of railway technology

At Strainlabs we’re thrilled to become a part of the Railway Cluster of Sweden (Järnvägsklustret), a community dedicated to innovation and shaping the future of railway technology. Our IoT bolting solution and automated preloading monitoring system has the potential to contribute to digitalization of maintenance routines in the sector.

ERCI Innovation Awards

Strainlabs was recently nominated for the ERCI (European Railway Clusters Initiative) Innovation Awards, a recognition of driving progress and sustainability in the railway sector. ERCI is the Rail sector’s largest dedicated B2B networking organization, bringing customers and suppliers’ opportunities together. The ERCI Innovation Awards showcase companies and projects that embody technical development, research, and innovative solutions in the railway sector. Our participation reflects our commitment to innovation, and we’re excited about the positive impact our contributions will bring.

We’re eagerly looking forward to the ERCI Innovation Awards, scheduled to take place during the Trako fair in Gdansk, Poland, in September 2023. A fellow Swedish innovation company, Railway Metrics, specialized in analytics tools for railway operators and maintenance organizations, optimizing performance, capacity utilization, and safety within railway transportation has further been nominated.

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