
Infrastructure & transportation

Infrastructure predictive maintenance 

Strainlabs System: Driving Digitalization in Infrastructure. With a commitment to digitalization and predictive maintenance, Strainlabs with partners are pioneers in the digital transformation in infrastructure, ensuring safety, efficiency, and longevity. Live installation demoed at Innotrans.

Strainlabs in Elektroniktidningen

A giant market for Swedish sensor manufacturer

Article in ElektronikTidningen, on November 6th, 2024 featuring qoutes from Csaba Madru – Strainlabs, Arne Nissen – Swedish Transport Administration, Pierre-Henri Bougeant & Björn Lundwall – Vossloh.

Framtidens bygg logotyp framför Strainlabs bolts

Enhance Safety and Functionality  

This article is a translation of an original piece published by Framtidens bygg (Future of Construction) on August 20th,204. The article explains how an initial investment in smart bolting can enable significant financial savings through increased safety, optimised maintenance, and time savings.

Strainlabs installed on Öresund bridge

Pilot installation on the Öresund Bridge

Strainlabs is monitoring particle magnets installed on the railway track of the Öresund Bridge in a first pilot application. Øresundsbro Konsortiet is actively working with data-driven predictive maintenance on the well-known bridge and is now evaluating Strainlabs. With increased automation of maintenance routines, the need for physical presence on the track is reduced.

Byggnadsarbetaren logo over Strainlabs bolt

Prevent construction accidents with IoT 

Article published in Byggnadsarbetaren (“the construction worker”) exploring how sensor-equipped bolts developed by Strainlabs could have prevented a tragic elevator accident.

Front page Railway Gazette April 2024

Article in Railway Gazette

International Railway Magazine Railway Gazette interviewed Pierre-Henri Bougeant, Head of Digitalization, Vossloh and Csaba Madru, CEO, Strainlabs on the Partnership for Efficient Rail Maintenance

Der Nahverkehr front page example

Article in Der Nahverkehr

Strainlabs Partnership for Efficient Rail Maintenance together with Vossloh has been reported on in German magazine Der Nahverkehr targeting experts in transportation and covering current topics related to infrastructure.

Gösta Rydin, sales manager, in front of Strainlabs presentation

Strainlabs: Digitalizing the Swedish Railway

Originally featured on Nordic Infracenter’s website, this article gives an overview of Strainlabs technology and how collaborations are reshaping the Nordic region’s infrastructure. An insightful exploration into the future of infrastructure innovation.

Strainlabs partnering with Vossloh

Strainlabs is one of the innovative technologies on a new integration platform developed by Vossloh. The ambition is to transform the railway industry, drive digitization, and bring together data-driven solutions related to railway infrastructure through ‘Vossloh connect’.

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Learn more on how to get started with Strainlabs System