Internet of bolts

Introducing the Internet of Bolts Knowledge Hub

Welcome to a completely new blog – dedicated to IndTech and more specifically bolting and IoT.
Strainlabs M16, front visual of electronics

Why a knowledge hub about IoT Bolts and Industrial Digitalization?

Some say that data is the new oil. However, industrial companies are often struggling to identify where and how to proceed with IoT and condition monitoring projects. Part of it is due to lack of standards and perhaps also due to unclear goals on what to achieve or how to best integrate IoT in for example maintenance and monitoring processes.

The trend is clear and if not already, we know that long term digitalization overall and Industry 4.0, AI, robotics and related megatrends will directly influence competitiveness, uptime and overall development in literally all industries. Strainlabs is an IndTech solution different from most other condition monitoring and IoT solutions. Instead of being a separate sensor on the side – our solution is directly integrated and part of the mechanical structure.

Since bolted joints are extremely common mechanical elements – knowing its conditions will be valuable for not only maintenance planning but also for optimization of the mechanical design itself.

Development comes from inspiration

This new knowledge hub will most commonly focus on interviews and articles with experts on topics related to industrial digitalization and mechanical engineering. But we will of course also cover industry trends and news. Do you have any ideas on people to interview or stories to tell? Contact us at


Strainlabs has developed and patented a unique technology for automatic and remote preload monitoring via sensor-equipped bolts.

The technology is representable in Industry 4.o megatrends: AI, SaaS, 3D Print, IoT, Smart Industry, Big Data, Analytics, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning.

As a startup, Strainlabs is an unusually multi-disciplinary spanning across stress mechanics, micro-electronics, wireless communication and cloud-data management.

As a Swedish IndTech company, Strainlabs collaborates with large established companies to drive industrial innovation and competitiveness.


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